tiffany-and-weller About Us – Tiffany And Weller

Tiffany & Weller 258 Main St. McGregor, IA 52157 563-880-1548 Open Saturdays 10-3

About Us


Monica(Weller) and Paul Tiffany met in October 2004 while Paul was working in the area. A true love at first sight, they married in July 2005 and have been working together ever since.

The couple has tried it all. A strong background in painting, home construction, remodeling, and decorating combined with a love for agriculture and rural life led them to open Tiffany & Weller (formerly McGregor Mercantile) in 2016.

Tiffany & Weller represents two individual people who inspire each other to continue to build a unique business. Choosing the brand name Tiffany & Weller allowed Monica and Paul to acknowledge their individual talents and also say thank you to the Weller family.

Their retail store's tag line is "Make Your House A Home" as they carry a wide variety of home décor, including candles, farmhouse style furniture, greenery,  soaps and lotions (another product line made on their farm), and so much more.

Having a storefront in small rural community means getting creative to stay sustainable. 

What's next? The couple has plans to further connect their home farmstead with their storefront. Their plans include a storefront on their farm, a creamery, rental home on the farm and lots of fun events. Stay tuned to see the progress!

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